Chief Executive Officer
Alison is the CEO of Discovery Multi Academy Trust. Alison has vast experience in teaching and leading, and works hard to improve outcomes and opportunities for all our pupils. Alison has trained as an Ofsted Inspector (Primary and Early Years) and continues to support other schools through the Plymouth Teaching School.
SEN Teacher
Naomi is a fully qualified teacher with 20 years of experience. Naomi is our EYFS specialist and has lead her own 'outstanding' provision. She has had previous experience as a Specialist Leader of Education. Naomi is passionate about supporting children who have experienced trauma and meeting children's needs to enable them to thrive.
SEN Teacher
Laura is a fully qualified teacher, with experience in Key Stage 1 and 2. Laura is currently completing her SENQUAL and has recently finished her Mental Health and Trauma Informed practitioner training with TISUK. Laura is the Mental Health and Wellbeing lead and uses this role to support staff, pupils and parents within our schools.
SEN Teacher
Georgina is a fully qualified teacher with experience in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Georgina has been teaching within SEND provision for four years and is passionate in the use of trauma informed practice. Georgina feels privileged to support children with SEND and SEMH needs and dedicates her time to ensuring that all children have positive experiences in education.
SEN Teacher
Izzy is a fully qualified teacher with experience teaching children with SEMH and SEN. She is passionate about outdoor learning and forest school education and believes strongly in the benefits of these experiences for all children. Outside of school Izzy also works with children with disabilities and SEMH in a respite centre using the relational skills and training to support the young people. Izzy is a qualified level 3 Forest School practitioner.
Mari has been a SENTA for over 10 years working with children of all abilities both in KS1 & KS2. She especially enjoys working with children who find mainstream school challenging, supporting and helping them to find their own strategies to enable them to access and enjoy school activities.
Callum is a SEN TA, who has worked with providing children with SEN opportunities for the last 5 years, predominately in sport in which still does outside of school, and also holds a degree in. Callum is passionate about developing positive relationships and supporting inclusive environments and practice for SEN children to feel valued and thrive in education and life, with him drawing on his own experiences to support his ambition to help others.
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We always like to provide the children at Edison with the opportunity of working with animals. This allows the children to learn how to care for animals, regulate their emotions and consider what animals/people need. We have had chickens, guinea pigs, stick insects and rabbits.
For vacancies within Plymouth Primary Nurture, please visit:
We are now in a position to offer our EYFS (Nursery and Foundation) Outreach to local Plymouth schools and nursery settings. We have an EYFS SEN Teacher and EYFS SEN TA who can visit your settings to offer advice around support for children with SEMH or other special educational needs.
This work can be for the entire setting or an individual child.
As this project is being funded by Plymouth City Council it will be a FREE service. Please call 01752 706360 (103) or email